CEPIDAJ located in Tehran the capital of Iran. As a company having a hygienic certificate from the Iranian administration for foods and drugs and national standards, our philosophy is to deliver high quality products, valuable services and support our customers all around the world. The development of innovative production methods, emphasis on product quality and individualized customer services all together have provided company a huge growth over the last years.

Avicenna, the famous Persian scientist and physician of the 11th century, has praised honey in his book “The Canon of Medicine” for curing many conditions, including healing injuries. His words are prominent in practicing Persian traditional medicine even up to these days. The power of natural honey is well documented, and we are immensely proud to contribute to the wellness of our clients in innumerable ways. The possibilities of of our special varieties are endless!
Top quality
countries whose agriculture was counted as a business.
The Middle East is known as one of the most well practicing regions of herbs.
Iran itself is home to over 8,000 native herbs and spices. We are well known in the herbs and spices market.
The Piarom dates are one of the best and richest dates in the world, which just grows in Iran. This semi-dried grows in Hormozgan region. The coloring of this kind is dark brown, round size, perfect for a healthy snack. These dates are semi-dry and the moisture of it around 15%. It has a unique taste. The skin of piarom date is thin.